Business Consumer Alert: Synup Listing Platform

Business Consumer Alert: Synup Listing Platform

A business Consumer Alert for the Synup Listing Platform is being issued because the listing aggregator does not work as presented.

BOSTON, MA (STL.News) Our parent company was once a reseller for Synup Listing and Reputation Management Software, which did not work as represented.  We attempted to work with the company on two different occasions but found a lack of integrity when dealing with problems.

Our experience was that the listing could not be found in Google search results.  On the dashboard, you would click on the link to a particular listing only to get a 404 Error Page, meaning the listing had not correctly aggregated.

We approached management, and they promised to suspend our billing until they resolved the issue.  Needless to say, they continued billing us and did not resolve the problem as promised.  We asked them about the billing, and they said there was no documentation saying they would suspend it.  It was during a phone call, but the same person was on the phone when his boss agreed to suspend billing.

A significant competitor, Synup, had the same issue with listings not aggregating as promised.

The best listing management we have found is, which does everything with manual submissions.

We do not recommend Synup to manage your business listings.  We recommend that you avoid them for lack of integrity and transparency.

The Google Rating is 3.8 Stars, which says a lot.

If anybody has a similar experience with this company, we would appreciate some details to expand our story.

This story was also covered by USPress.News.

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By Smith
Martin Smith is the founder and Editor in Chief of STL.News, STL.Directory, St. Louis Restaurant Review, STLPress.News, and USPress.News.  Smith is responsible for selecting content to be published with the help of a publishing team located around the globe.  The publishing is made possible because Smith built a proprietary network of aggregated websites to import and manage thousands of press releases via RSS feeds to create the content library used to filter and publish news articles on STL.News.  Since its beginning in February 2016, STL.News has published more than 250,000 news articles.  He is a member of the United States Press Agency.
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